En Periodismo Cultural en el siglo XXI (I). Contenidos docentes innovadores,  Olga Kolokytha titula su capítulo: Cultural journalism as field and practice. An academic and cultural management perspective.

En el resume expone que: «From an academic and a practitioner’s view, the importance of teaching cultural journalism lies in two different but equally important strands: on one hand, its inherent values for the cultural sector, its position in journalism and communication science and its association with other disciplines such as cultural studies and arts management; and on the other hand, its offer of a variety of knowledge and skills to students, such as writing skills, critical thinking and an awareness and understanding of culture». Pág. 273
«This chapter discusses cultural journalism from the point of view of a cultural manager and academic, based on practical experience in the domain of performing arts and particularly classical music and opera, and presents an example of teaching a cultural journalism course at University level. The chapter is targeted at academics and practitioners teaching cultural journalism; it offers a brief framework of cultural criticism and journalism and then presents and discusses a detailed example of a class on cultural journalism offered at University students. It aims to stimulate discussion on the position of cultural journalism in the arts, the academia and the wider community, also in the digital age, and presents an example on how that could take place in a University classroom.» Pág. 273

Sigue con su lectura. Editorial Universitas.

Jurado Martín, M. y Peña Acuña, B. (Coord.) (2018) Periodismo Cultural en el siglo XXI (I). Contenidos docentes innovadores, Madrid: Universitas. https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/libro?codigo=723560 ; https://www.academia.edu/42496335/MONTSERRAT_JURADO_MART%C3%8DN_BEATRIZ_PE%C3%91A_ACU%C3%91A_Coordinadoras