En Periodismo Cultural en el siglo XXI (I). Contenidos docentes innovadores,  Henrique Rochelle titula su capítulo: Dance Criticism Today: the Challenges of New Media.

En el resume expone que: «New media has changed the role of dance criticism. Expanding publishing spaces, it has allowed critics to go beyond mainstream structures and productions, directly affecting spectatorship, as well as this art’s recognition and appraisal. Nevertheless, challenges arise from this possibility: if anyone can be a critic, can the reviews guarantee their quality, understanding and communication? Are online critics also recognized by the community? And have they actually managed to escape rather than reproduce the logic of old systems? Investigating examples of how current dance criticism works, this research addresses what is expected of critiques, what possibilities have been expanded by the cyberspace, and what results can actually be found in these propositions. To do so, references are made to multiple researches, propositions and testimony of professional critics, not only of dance, but also theater, visual arts, film and music, in an attempt to present what is and has been expected of criticism, what are the historiographical specificities of critiquing the performing arts, the space for those critiques in traditional media, the new opportunities and difficulties brought on by online media and the current stage of experimental forms of criticism in social media. Completing this article, some suggestions on how to deal with criticism in academia, and how to exercise criticism are offered.» Pág. 287

Sigue con su lectura. Editorial Universitas.

Jurado Martín, M. y Peña Acuña, B. (Coord.) (2018) Periodismo Cultural en el siglo XXI (I). Contenidos docentes innovadores, Madrid: Universitas. https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/libro?codigo=723560 ; https://www.academia.edu/42496335/MONTSERRAT_JURADO_MART%C3%8DN_BEATRIZ_PE%C3%91A_ACU%C3%91A_Coordinadoras