En Periodismo Cultural en el siglo XXI (I). Contenidos docentes innovadores,  Maarit Jaakkola titula su capítulo: Circuit training in the writing of art reviews: Discovering the built environment in iterative approaches.

En el resume expone que: «Arts reviewing are often regarded as a connoisseurial activity, similar to making arts, conducted by exceptional individuals on a subjective taste and accumulated experience. This chapter describes a lesson plan that builds upon a pedagogical method of iterated approaches in writing about architecture and built environment. The chapter first elaborates an analytical model of reviewing to make reviewing skills more tangible. Thereafter, a course outline is presented. Strengthening of the pedagogical foundations for learning critical thinking and expression about one’s everyday environment is needed as reviewing is typically regarded as threatened in the contemporary cultural and media landscape, and marginalized, or even completely dismissed, by journalism and arts curricula. The model presented in the article can also be applied to other aesthetic areas of arts and culture, such as visual arts.» Pág. 303

Sigue con su lectura. Editorial Universitas.

Jurado Martín, M. y Peña Acuña, B. (Coord.) (2018) Periodismo Cultural en el siglo XXI (I). Contenidos docentes innovadores, Madrid: Universitas. https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/libro?codigo=723560 ; https://www.academia.edu/42496335/MONTSERRAT_JURADO_MART%C3%8DN_BEATRIZ_PE%C3%91A_ACU%C3%91A_Coordinadoras